Student Learning Outcomes

学生 who graduate with a music major will be able to: 

  1. Analyze critically 和 contextually: 应用 a combination of close reading skills to works of music from important genre categories 和 style periods—skills developed through a study of music theory, ear training, music history, 和, in many cases, 执行. 
  2. Communicate music effectively from the stage: 执行, 行为, 组成, 教, 和 produce music with technical excellence, theoretical 和 historical underst和ing, 创造力, 艺术, 和 integrity. 
  3. Communicate about music in writing: Express observations 和 ideas about music accurately, 很明显, 和 creatively in different genres for different audiences 和 purposes. 
  4. Engage ethically: 应用 the skills 和 insights acquired from studying music to actually sharing music with others for their enjoyment, 安慰, 和 inspiration.